Trifecta Custom Salt Blend Anniversary Edition

from $18.50

This is my custom blend of 3 potentially health beneficial sea salts. “Trifecta” combines Red Hawaiian Sea Salt which contains trace minerals and iron oxide rich red baked clay, Black Hawaiian Sea Salt which contains activated charcoal and trace minerals and last but not least Himalayan Pink Salt which contains 84 trace minerals. We have ground the grains to a fine consistency so that you may use this anywhere you currently use standard table salt. It is not only beautiful but you will use less due to the potency of the rich salt flavor. A little bit of this blend goes a long ways. Great for people on a sodium restricted diet. YUM!

The glass container is a borosilicate scientific glass flask. The size in the photo 100ml by volume. It has a natural cork lid. It is in honor of the 11 year anniversary of the packaging I started my business wiith. There is a detailed description and suggested uses card that comes with it. There are 12 available in the 100 ml size & there are 6 available in the 50 ml size.

They would make a great gift for you or for family and friends. Beautiful artisan salt beautifully packaged.

$5. From every flask sold will be donated to Kitsap Humane Society & P.A.C.K. People for Animal Care & Kindness.

Liberte Du Monde Gourmet Culinary Salts & Seasoning are all natural, vegan (unless noted otherwise), and additive free. No anti-caking agents are used as they can potentially be hazardous. If your salts or blends become “clumpy” just keep the lid tight and shake them around before using. Please store in a cool, dry place out of direct light and heat.

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